Let's Dance Studio
Let's Dance Studio
Classes Available from January 2025-April 2025! See "Studio Schedule" tab for more information. Click below or at the top of any page to register.
Classes Available from January 2025-April 2025! See "Studio Schedule" tab for more information. Click below or at the top of any page to register.
Adult Tap/Jazz: Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Yoga: Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Adult Ballet: Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Kids art and dance workshop: Eevee's Elevator, January 25th from 10:15-11:30
Sign up with the link above. Create an account on the Parent Portal, if you haven't already, and pick your class(es).
Sign up with the link above. Create an account on the Parent Portal, if you haven't already, and pick your class(es).
Once you have created an account on the Parent Portal, you can download the Dance Studio-Pro Portal app from the app store. The Dance Studio-Pro app allows quick access to do things like registering for classes, checking out your statement, paying tuition, etc. from your phone or other device.
Once you have created an account on the Parent Portal, you can download the Dance Studio-Pro Portal app from the app store. The Dance Studio-Pro app allows quick access to do things like registering for classes, checking out your statement, paying tuition, etc. from your phone or other device.
Being a dancer is a lifestyle that allows your instincts to decide how you move in the world.
Rules For Dancers
Rules For Dancers
Be humble, work hard, persevere, live out of your comfort zone, encourage others, progress over perfection.
Contact: Dara Maunu
Let's Dance Studio is located at
106 Lincoln St SE (Behind Cenex)
Warroad, MN 56763